Thursday 18 August 2016


Well it is nearly upon us now. Our group (5A, 5B, 5C & 5G) head off to camp on Monday and we are very excited. Don't forget that children need to be here at school at 7:00 am for a 7:30 departure. Hopefully by now any medication that children need, if any, has been handed over to Mrs Eldrett unless they needed it until Monday morning obviously.

Whilst at camp, students will be super busy enjoying a range of wonderful activities that aim to build confidence, resilience, leadership and team bonds. They will be so busy that they won't even have time to miss you, but if they do they will be surrounded by their surrogate parents (teachers) and their many surrogate brothers and sisters (peers), so don't worry about them; they'll be having fun so you may as well try to as well 😉.
We'll be back on Wednesday at about 2:30 and would appreciate any help unpacking the buses if you are able.

See you on the other side 😁.

Lisa Heard's Photo on Friday, 19 August 2016

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Lisa Heard's Post on Thursday, 18 August 2016

Rugby Good luck tomorrow to our 5C representatives, Cody, Sam and Jayden as they play for a place in the final at Suncorp Stadium next Friday. The Banksia Junior team is very strong and I know our boys will do us proud no matter the outcome.

Monday 15 August 2016

Mad Minutes

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Look at those hard working little boys and girls trying to nail their number facts. What a way to start the morning 🤓.

Wednesday 3 August 2016

I'm back!!!

I thought I had better get back on the blog as it has been a while and I'm sure you must be wondering what's going on 😊.
We are right back in the thick of it now in week 4 of term 3. The students have been studying poems and are currently writing a poetry analysis, which is quite tricky stuff I can tell you. They are amazing me with their prowess and effort. We are also learning to structure paragraphs using the TEEL method, which means Topic sentence, Explain, Elaborate and Link.

In maths we are learning to do addition, subtraction, multiplication and division using the right to left strategy. Again, your children are soooo clever because they are getting the hang of this very quickly.

This week we have Lapathon on Friday, so keep up that fundraising. Three of our boys, Cody.I, Sam and Jayden, are in the Junior Rugby League Development Cup competition on Friday and we wish them all the best. A try each for Mrs Heard, please boys 🏉. On Monday, Sera, Dom, Cody.G and Ellyah participated in the UNSW English Competition. I know they will have done their best and the results should be back before the end of term.

You will have received the NAPLAN results for your child today, which will hopefully give you similar information to what the report card gave you. Always remember that NAPLAN is a point in time test and that what we see of the whole child over a longer period and regularly is far more important.

Monday 23 May 2016

Week 7

Wow, how did we get here so quickly? I cannot believe that we are past the half way mark of this long term. As we get closer to the end of Semester 1, many pieces of assessment will need to be finalised. In grade 5, we try to get most of the assessment done in a block week and this year that week is next week (week 8).

The Years 4-6 Reading Challenge heats are on this Wednesday and we will have our 5C 'Read Off' tomorrow (Tuesday). I'm looking forward to hearing and seeing all the fabulous 'readers' present their pieces, but am not looking forward to having to choose just two for the heat.

In 5C, we have been reading and writing our little hearts out lately and I have been incredibly buoyed by and impressed with the enthusiasm all students have shown towards both areas. If you ever get a chance, please pop in and browse through the students draft and published work of which they are very proud or chat with them about the book/s they are reading.

Sunday 15 May 2016

Tuesday, 16th May.

Today, we revised multiples and began to look at divisibilty rules for 2, 3 and 5. In English, we focused on vocabulary and looked at some of the cognitive verbs we need to know and understand to complete tasks and assessments accurately. Today's focus words were: select, create, restate and identify. Revision of these words, their meanings and spelling is part of tonight's homework so hopefully your child will be able to describe what these words mean and use them in context.

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Jacinta's Results And Reflections

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Today in Science.........

we investigated craters and how they are created. To conduct a fair test, we need to change one variable, keep others the same, and measure something. In this investigation, we changed the height of the impactor, kept the surface and depth the same, and measured the diameter and depth of the crater, and the length of the longest rays. This experiment was quite messy, which we (and when I say 'we' I mean 'they' 😜) really liked........except for Makayla, who is a bit like me when it comes to mess 😉. After the experiment, we displayed our results in graphs and made some reflections about what worked well and what conditions/variables we might have changed to give us better results.

Our Craters

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More Measuring

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Measuring Depth

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Investigating Craters

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Sunday 1 May 2016

Term 2, Week 4 (02.05.16 - 06.05.16)

  • Mother's Day stall visit - please bring along your money - our visit is on Wednesday after 2nd break.
  • Big Band performs at the RSL on Wednesday evening - Good luck Charlotte
  • District Cross Country for Waimarie and Cody.I on Thursday - Good luck guys
  • School photos are on Friday straight after 1st break so don't forget to wear formal uniform, including grey socks.
  • NAPLAN is on in week 5 - that's next week!

Wednesday 20 April 2016

The Riddle of the Black Panther

We are studying persuasive news articles and feature articles this term and today the students worked through a learning object called, The Riddle of the Black Panther, in which they play the role of a news reporter who has to investigate whether or not there is in fact a black panther in the town of Flotsam. As reporters, the students have to interview various people as sources of evidence and decide whether or not they are reliable. The students really enjoyed this activity and it is a great role playing opportunity whereby they use their own judgements and investigative 'know how' to track down the infamous panther.

The Riddle Of The Black Panther

Easy Blog PhotoDom and Cody.G working as news reporters.

Wednesday 20th April, 2016

Today, we started looking at how to use the split strategy to solve division problems. This strategy is all about knowing how to partition a number so that its 'parts' are individually divisible by the divisor. For example, if the problem was 1140 divided by 4, the number can be broken into 1000 + 100 + 40 as each of these numbers is divisible by 4. Then we divide each 'part' of the number by 4 and add the results together. Ask your child to show you the working out for this example and perhaps an even trickier one: 1185 divided by 3. Cody.G was quickly onto this one today - good job, Cody :)

 During Science today, we investigated the distance of the planets in our solar system from the sun. As these distances are in billions of kilometers, we looked at them in terms of their scaled size. We watched a great video that demonstrated the scaled distances of our inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) from the sun and their size differences using an odd man in a silver suit, a school oval, complete with footy goals, and some high speed footage of the man stepping out the distances. We might do this out on our own oval one afternoon, without the silver suit.

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Persuasive Writing

This week we're focusing on persuasive writing and students are working on a persuasive argument for homework. Each night they should be working on a part of their text following the structure modelled each day and using the language features taught.

Friday 15 April 2016

Lisa Heard's Post on Friday, 15 April 2016

Our other Super Star runner today was Waimarie. Wai came 1st in the under 10s and still had fuel in the tank at the end. This little pocket rocket is one to watch 💫

End of Week 1

Wow, that was fast; where did the first week go? Today was cross country and I was very proud of everyone for doing their best - a special shout out to Cody Irvin who came second in the under 11s; his run was outstanding.

We've had some fantastic homework efforts this week and it's been very good to see how they went with the maths strategies on their own. I was able to use the misunderstandings to inform the teaching for the day somewhat and help children build their skills. We're not all there yet, but these strategies come up again a little later in the year when we can consolidate further. Remember, we don't just touch on topics once; we do come back to things often so never lose heart when something is new - next time we see it, it can make a little more sense 😉.

Thursday 14 April 2016

Thursday 14th April, 2016

Today we explored the area model for solving more complex multiplication problems. Waimarie was the star student in this area today and was blitzing every question. Go Wai 😊

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Setting Goals

Today the students reflected on their goals for Term 1 and began setting new goals for Term 2. Many students have reached their goals for Term 1, which is fantastic. Students write a draft copy first; I then edit it with them and they go on to write a good copy. This good copy will come home for your perusal within the next week. It would be great if you could discuss these with your child and help them achieve their goals wherever possible. We also started our Science unit: Exploring our place in the solar system. Tonight they are set the task of making scale cut-outs of Saturn and Venus. Students are always very interested in space topics, so I'm sure they'll have plenty to share with you over the coming weeks.

Monday 11 April 2016


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This week, we are learning about how good readers use predicting to assist with deeper comprehension. Today, students worked in small groups to predict what might be happening in a given picture and what may have happened before and after the photo was taken.

Student of the Week

Congratulations to Laelani on being our first Student of the Week for Term 2. Laelani ALWAYS strives to do her best in everything she sets her mind to and is very encouraging of others to do the same.

Week 1 Super Starters

Super Starters today were Jacinta for her usual application to tasks from the get go of the day, and Evan for being alert and engaged during maths and noticing errors through checking. Good job, Super Starters.

Monday 21 March 2016

Megan's Proud and Published

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Megan was first to finish publishing her narrative assessment today. She is very proud of her work and now has a short story ready for your reading pleasure :)

5C Goes Live!!!!

Well I have finally bitten the bullet and decided to create a blog. I'm new to blogging, so it may be a bit of trial and error for a while 😉. We'll use this blog to celebrate, inform and entertain our 5C family. I hope you visit and enjoy our space regularly.